Everyone is invited to join in and make dance part of their lives at this Stade Saturday by taking part in Ilana Cravitz’s Hopkele Klezmer Keilidh. Ilana Cravitz and her band make a welcome return to Hastings after their universally acclaimed performance last summer. Thankfully the Hopkele Keilidh Band were available at short notice after the Austrian Circus Dumatical Theatre Company were unable to perform.
Ilana said “June 22nd was the only free date we had this summer, and after the great reception we received last July, we couldn’t refuse a return trip to Hastings. Let’s just hope the weather is a little better this year!”
However, if it isn’t, a great plan B is already in place in the guise of the Stade Hall, but be sure to get there early as it was very busy in there last year.
Hopkele is the familiar ceilidh/barn dance format (live music, dance leader, fun) with one essential difference – the music and steps are old-style Jewish, rather than Celtic!
And on Saturday we are in for an extra special treat in that they are joined by Andreas Schmitges, one of the world’s leading yiddish dance callers.
Stade Open Space weather permitting or Stade Hall if not, Sat 22nd June, 7.30pm.